Mobile VS Desktop Gaming

Lincoln Casino

This is a very important topic in that we have heard rumblings that it may be sooner than later than PCs will become extinct. While that would be a blow to many people who rely on their desktops for playing at online casinos or simply communicating with others – it is that communication mode that is driving mobile gaming to unimaginable heights. So the question is: “Does mobile gaming beat desktop gaming? In my humble opinion, I do see a day when PCs will become extinct, but not in the foreseeable future.

Mobile Gaming Today

It’s a fact no one can deny that the fastest way to communicate is through mobile devices. At the same time it is this instant communication that is driving the multitude of new generations of mobile devices to be designed and launched. From a gambler’s perspective, what better way to engage in game play than to be able to use a mobile device? So it is that mobile gaming has given way to more people purchasing more devices to play more online games than ever before.

Desktops Still Holding On to Their Usefulness

For those who are not millennial (as the new generation is called), but for those who have used desktop computers since they were invented; it will be a very hard choice to switch to mobile devices. I can certainly vouch for them. While I appreciate those who engage in gaming on mobile devices, I still feel that desktop gaming, as antiquated as some say it is, should stick around for those who prefer it.